
‘Mindless Scrolling Has Become an Epidemic:’ Here Are 11 Ways to Cut Back Your Screentime That Actually Work.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Mindless scrolling has become an epidemic. Despite knowing that it’s a bad habit, we all do it. According to Reviews.org, 56.9% of Americans are addicted to their phones. Each day, Americans spend 4 hours and 25 minutes on their phones. Nevertheless, experts recommend limiting screen time outside…


Oracle (ORCL): Buy, Sell or Hold Before Earnings?

Oracle (ORCL) surpassed analysts’ estimates on the top and bottom lines for the last reported quarter. Further, the company’s long-term prospects appear bright, driven by its product innovation and diversification, strategic partnerships, and significant advances in AI. However, given its elevated valuation and market weakness, is this stock a buy, sell, or hold before the…


The Pros and Cons of Color-Coding Your Calendars

Staying organized is one of the best approaches to keeping a schedule. Finding what you need and staying on track of upcoming meetings, events, or appointments is easier. However, if you’re new to keeping a schedule or have difficulty developing organizational techniques, you might consider color-coding. Color-coding is a pretty straightforward technique for maintaining an…


The Best Places to Retire in 2024

When you’ve got years and years of your life spent working a 9 to 5 job, there were undoubtedly times you would have wished to finally lay down the labor cap and peacefully retire in peace and silence. Come to your retirement age, and you’re probably thinking about whether to stay in the comfort of…