How to Politely Share Your Scheduling Link on Calendar

Meetings that are unproductive and poorly managed claim endless hours of our time. ‌What I believe is even worse is the valuable time wasted using emails, texting — and worse calling, going back and forth. ‌After‌ ‌all,‌ ‌on average, a meeting is scheduled after eight emails, according to studies. But there are ways to politely…

5 Characteristics to Look for in a Business Partner

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. There’s power in numbers. For business owners and startup founders, having a partner to lean on is something that’s extremely important. With the right person in the fold, you can instantly increase your business venture‘s potential and pave the way for new opportunities. But the flip side…

4 Reasons to Ditch Your Annual Appraisals

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. I remember the first time I was on the receiving end of an annual appraisal. My hands were sweaty, my stomach was tight, and my heart was pounding. This would be the first evaluation added to my “official record.” I crossed my fingers and hoped that my…

3 Leadership Lessons I Learned From the Movie Gung Ho & Why They Still Apply 36 Years Later

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In the 1986 film Gung Ho, a Japanese automaker moves into an abandoned factory in a down-on-its-heels Pennsylvania town. Both the automaker and the town’s newly re-employed autoworkers want to make the plant work, but they are at odds concerning principles, methods and leadership styles. Misunderstandings threaten…