How to Influence Your Prospect’s Memory and Decisions

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. A 2021 Bain & Co. survey found that 92% of global B2B buyers prefer virtual sales interactions — up 17 percentage points from its May 2020 survey. What’s more, 79% of sellers espouse the effectiveness of virtual sales, compared with 54% in 2020. The data isn’t surprising.…

Is Sustainability Just a PR Stunt?

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. If you check out any announcement at leading businesses these days, there will be some mention of sustainability, and probably DEI. These are two really hot issues in the corporate world, with companies coming under scrutiny if they are not doing enough to become a more inclusive…

How to Acquire Soft Skills and Measure Them Successfully

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Teaching — and measuring — hard and soft skills are uniquely different. It’s far easier to teach and measure hard skills, and usually, teachers teach hard skills while trainers train soft skills. Twinsterphoto | Shutterstock Since soft skills are behavioral skills, it requires extra effort on the…

How To Engage Niche Audiences at the Right Time

Marketing to a niche audience can be rewarding and challenging. It’s worthwhile to target smaller audiences that the competition isn’t serving. However, identifying these unique groups of consumers is sometimes as difficult as finding ways to reach them. Calendar – Calendar After all, pizza restaurant owners don’t have to scratch their heads too much to…