How Adam Sandler’s Hustle is More Entrepreneurial Than Your Average Sports Comedy

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. What is the Movie Hustle and What Does it have to do with Entrepreneurship? Netflix’s new movie, Hustle, is a 2022 comedy-drama starring Adam Sandler. The story revolves around Sandler’s character, Stanley Sugarman, a professional basketball scout for the Philidelphia 76ers. It depicts Stanley’s nomadic lifestyle in…

3 Ways Businesses Can Benefit From Producing Movies

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In the modern era, as well as prior decades, films have provided entertainment to the public by exploring various genres, like horror, romance and comedy, through a wide array of plots. But that’s not the only purpose films serve. Some films, those that earned awards and critical…

HubSpot: A More Competitive Valuation

HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS) is one of the leaders in the CRM space. But like other tech companies, its stock price has been severely discounted. The selloff in HubSpot’s share price has been seen by some analysts as a correction towards a more realistic valuation. At its peak, the company was trading for $866 per share…

The Great Resignation Is Shifting Gears. Finding a Proper Work Balance Will Pay Dividends.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. We’re closing in on the halfway point of 2022, and we’ve seen the Great Resignation gradually transition into the “Great Renegotiation.” Employers and employees continue to vie for the upper hand. The workforce philosophy on life-work integration has shifted throughout this season as employees now believe their…

The 7 Key Steps to Launching an eCommerce Business

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The online retail industry is forecast to account for 24.5 percent of global retail by 2025. So there’s never been a better time to start an ecommerce business. But it might seem overwhelming to decide on everything from naming a business to developing online marketing strategies. Whether…

5 Entrepreneurship Lessons We Can Learn From Moms

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Grit, determination and flexibility are just some of the many qualities it takes to be an entrepreneur — and who embodies those qualities better than mothers? As we recently celebrated Mother’s Day, I got to thinking about all the lessons I’ve learned from my own mother and…