
Your Online Customer Experience Is More Than a Buzzword — It’s the Backbone of Your Business. Here’s How to Optimize It.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Your online customer experience is more crucial than ever. Why? Because your path to high-quality customer engagement and increased revenue is directly tied to how well your technology — or “tech stack” — facilitates smooth and streamlined interactions. If your current setup isn’t up to par, you…


Goldman Sachs Is Making a Mistake. Forcing Remote-Capable Teams Back Into The Office Is Not The Answer — Here’s Why.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Goldman Sachs, a Wall Street titan, is urging its employees to revert to a full-time, in-office model. This move raises an alarm not just for the financial sector but for all remote-capable industries, ranging from the financial industry to the tech sector, igniting a debate about the…


3 Expert Customer Service Language Tips to Never Forget

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As a customer service consultant and training designer, one thing I help my client companies to do is improve the way they use language around their customers. Here are my thoughts on three language-related customer service behavioral issues: The Money-Language Pit The “How are you?” Ping-Pong Game…


SpaceX Fights Back Against Discrimination Lawsuit; Elon Musk Says the DOJ Is Being Weaponized for ‘Political Purposes’

SpaceX, Elon Musk’s spacecraft manufacturing company, has initiated legal action against the Justice Department (DOJ) to dismiss the recent discrimination case brought against it in August. The case alleges that the company engaged in practices that discouraged refugees from applying for job positions, subsequently refusing to hire or consider their applications, The Wall Street Journal…