‘It’s the Hardest Thing That I Could Ever Imagine’: Serena Williams Pens Bittersweet Goodbye as She Announces Retirement from Tennis

It’s the end of an era. Robert Prange | Getty Images Legendary tennis player Serena Williams announced her retirement from professional tennis on Tuesday in a self-written essay for Vogue. Williams has won 23 grand slam singles titles including Wimbledon and the Australian Open seven times each. She’s considered to be one of the greatest…

The 5 Personalities You Meet in a Coworking Space

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Let’s be honest: Working from home sucks. Working from bed and being able to constantly snack was nice at first, but eventually the slow wifi, lackluster coffee and general pantlessness became unbearable. Unfortunately for many employees, going back to the dreary office seems even worse. We can’t…