Why Being a Specialist in Your Field Isn’t Cutting It in Today’s Rapidly Evolving Workplace

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When seeking a new job or a promotion, conventional wisdom suggests you position yourself as a specialist in your field. However, there is little conventional about today’s job market, as career paths become less linear and increasingly flexible. As recent research has shown, highlighting your skills in…

11 Ways to Brand Yourself as a Speaker

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Whether you’re giving the keynote at your Alma Mater or leading your weekly group coaching call, speaking is a skill every leader will utilize at one time or another. Knowing how to present an argument or weave a cautionary tale into actionable steps that inspire, motivate or…

The Best Upcoming Franchise Shows

Franchise industry shows are wonderful opportunities to network with other industry professionals. The events are attended by brand representatives, franchisors, consultants, brokers, suppliers, vendors, lenders and marketers. There’s always something new to learn, whether it be an interesting perspective from a keynote speaker or a new contact that might advance an attendee’s personal and professional…