How Technology Can Support Filling Teacher Vacancies

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Educators, administrators, students and parents have been utterly worn down by the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on classrooms and schools around the country. In a broken industry that was barely pulling its weight pre-pandemic, the vulnerabilities have been exposed, and many teachers have decided the only…

5 Ways to Gamify Your Work

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. If you ask leading entrepreneurs like Richard Branson what their favorite productivity hack is, lots of them will say: “To have fun! To enjoy your work!” Being able to enjoy your work can lead to a tremendous increase in productivity. Think about all the times when you…

How Power Entrepreneur Couples Mix Business and Love

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As an entrepreneur, you might think business and love can’t mix. But there’s no reason couples can’t work together to create an extraordinary business. A trend that’s on the rise, there are more and more power couples emerging who are beating the odds and successfully running a…

‘My Presence Has Become A Distraction’: Dan Price, CEO of $70,000 Minimum Wage Fame, Resigns From Gravity Payments Amid Legal Troubles

Dan Price has stepped down as CEO of Gravity Payments amid ongoing legal issues. Known for his progressive policies, Price famously went viral in 2015 for phasing in a minimum wage of $70,000 for employees at the company. Price announced his departure in a Tweet Wednesday, saying that his presence has “become a distraction” and…