
Forget Employee Feedback, ‘Feedforward’ Is the Latest Workplace Trend — If You’re Not Doing It, You Might Be Irrelevant Already

The traditional performance review, where managers drill down on areas of improvement for employees, is getting a makeover. That “feedback” model is being swapped for a “feedforward” approach: Although the former focuses on the past and the present, the latter hones in on the future without looking back, Fox Business reported. Related: 4 Unconscious Biases…


If You Want to Be an Industry Leader, Be an Industry Innovator. Here’s How to Inspire Innovation in Your Business.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. We often elevate inventors like Edison, Ford and Musk to almost mythical status, attributing seemingly impossible mental powers to them. We imagine some lone genius churning away in a cluttered garage, conjuring up the next big thing. In reality, most groundbreaking changes don’t come from inventing something…