
The Opportunities We Unlock As Solopreneurs

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When Angela Shen sold her food tour business, Savor Seattle, it wasn’t an easy decision—and it involved many tears. After pivoting her business to curated food boxes during the pandemic, Angela wasn’t feeling challenged professionally or personally, so she decided it was time to move on. But…


We Have a Substance Abuse Crisis in The Workplace. Here’s How — and Why — Employers Need To Act Now.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Substance abuse and addiction have long posed challenges for employers and employees alike. However, the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated these issues, leaving many companies struggling to support workers and maintain productivity. The isolation of remote work led to increased depression, anxiety and substance use disorders. Indeed, I’ve seen…


AI-Generated Voices and Deepfakes Are Surging on TikTok, Other Platforms — And European Regulators Have Had Enough

A convincing artificial intelligence voice, closely resembling that of former President Barack Obama, emerged on TikTok in late August, addressing allegations surrounding the death of his former chef. “I am deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Tafari Campbell [mispelled in the video as Talafi Cambell],” fake Obama says in the video, “who was not…