
I Live and Work Remotely From a Cruise Ship 300 Days a Year. It’s Helped My Social Life and Costs Just as Much as an Apartment — Here’s How I Do It.

This article originally appeared on Business Insider. This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Ryan Gutridge, an IT professional who spends more than 300 days a year on a cruise ship. It has been edited for length and clarity. I’ve been told I’m crazy for trying to live full-time on a cruise ship,…


The 4 Most Important Skills I Prioritized When Scaling My Business to $1.42 Million In Monthly Revenue In My Early 20s

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In today’s fiercely competitive corporate landscape, sales teams are an integral part of a business’s growth and market position. These teams are the frontline warriors who build relationships, close deals and connect with customers. Yet, many leaders mistakenly forget that behind every strong sales team is an…


Pope Francis Issues Warning About the ‘Disruptive Possibilities and Ambivalent Effects’ of AI

Pope Francis isn’t jumping on the AI bandwagon. The religious leader is warning people about the “disruptive possibilities and ambivalent effects” of artificial technology in a statement released Tuesday in honor of World Peace Day. While he says such advancements are having a “remarkable” and “rapid” impact on society, he cautioned people to be aware…


5 Areas Where Every Business Should Be Using Cognitive AI Today

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements recently, with AI systems driven by perceptual intelligence already being utilized to varying degrees in many industries. However, perceptual intelligence is not everything. In fact, the true potential of AI lies in cognitive intelligence, and there are still big challenges…