Saving his dog cost him his collection of Pokémon cards, but the company made up for the sacrifice

The Pokémon Company saw little Bryson Killean’s love for his furry friend.

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A few weeks ago, an eight-year-old boy named Bryson Killean had to make the decision to put his Pokémon cards up for sale in order to pay for medical treatment for his dog Bruce who suffered from canine parvovirus. However, the company that owns these animated figures made up for their good deed with an unusual gift.

Bryson, seeing that his pet was the victim of a life-threatening intestinal virus, set up a table in his front yard so he could sell his collection and raise at least $ 700. Her mother, on the other hand, organized a donation drive on GoFundMe . The campaign was so successful in the media that they raised more than $ 5,000 to put Bruce out of harm’s way.

In the family’s latest update, Bruce the puppy is feeling much better & is finally back home.

His mom has set up PO Box for those who want to send Bryson some Pokémon cards to replace his collection. Here’s the address:

PO Box 2191 Lebanon Virginia 24266

– GoFundMe (@gofundme) May 14, 2021

Bryson’s good intentions reached the ears of The Pokémon Company International , so they decided to send him from their headquarters in Bellevue, Washington, a rare and hard-to-find card game. Inside the gift was a note stating the following: “Hi Bryson, we were very inspired by your story about the sale of your cards for the recovery of your dog. Here are some that will help you replace the ones you had to sell. “

At the moment, Bruce the puppy is in better condition and continues on his way to continually improve, according to a WSLS 10 NEWS report accompanied by images where we can see how I opened his new gift. They informed that all the donated money that was not used for their treatment, will be destined to other sick pets in the community to which they belong.

Canine parvovirus can affect dog puppies from four weeks of age to healthy adult dogs, cats are no exception, as it is a highly contagious virus. It mainly affects the digestive and cardiovascular system, so it is essential that you go immediately to the family veterinarian so that it is diagnosed and treated in time.

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