United Airlines Flight Attendants Claim They Were Taken Off an MLB Team Charter For Not Being ‘White, Young, and Thin’ in a New Lawsuit

Two United Airlines flight attendants brought a lawsuit against the company last week, claiming they were denied positions on a charter flight for the Los Angeles Dodgers because the MLB players preferred “white, young, thin women who are predominately blond and blue-eyed.” The Dodgers are not named as defendants in the suit. The flight attendants,…

8 Efficiency Hacks to Boost Productivity and Save Time

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As an entrepreneur juggling multiple businesses, I’ve come to understand the value of time and the necessity to work efficiently. Over the years, I’ve honed some handy techniques that have helped me greatly streamline my workflow, minimize distractions and maximize my productivity. Here are my eight favorite…

Boost Your Productivity with Power Napping

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining peak productivity can be challenging. Energy levels can wane as the hours go by, and our focus can drift. In turn, this can lead to decreased productivity, errors, and even burnout. What is one way to reduce midday fatigue and increase productivity? Take a power nap. The power nap lasts…

Why Brands Still Belong on Social Media Despite the Changing Landscape (and How They Can Leverage It for Greater Success)

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In the dynamic digital landscape, the role of social media is continually evolving. Today, an estimated 4.9 million people globally are on social media platforms, but the way we consume content, plus the content itself, has shifted significantly since the boom of these platforms in the late…

The White House’s AI Executive Order Has New Safety and Security Guidelines for Businesses — Here’s What to Know

On Monday, The White House introduced an executive order aimed at ensuring the country takes the lead in both harnessing the potential and managing the risks of artificial intelligence. The order sets standards for AI safety, security, and privacy, introduces civil rights guidelines, and offers research into AI’s effects on the labor market, innovation, and…