
Taking the ‘Shotgun Approach’ to Job Applications Could Be a Major Career Mistake. Here’s Why You Should Avoid It.

A controversial method of applying to jobs resurfaced in a viral Reddit thread this week, which put the notion of the “shotgun approach” back in the spotlight. Much like a shotgun wedding or shotgunning a canned drink entails, the shotgun approach to job-searching means rapidly firing off resumes and applications and casting a wide net…


Why Harnessing the Power of Gratitude is Vital to Your Success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In today’s rapidly evolving and competitive landscape, the quest to enhance productivity, bolster well-being and achieve enduring success is shared by individuals and organizations. The realm of positive psychology, often called the science of optimal human functioning, presents an invaluable reservoir of insights and evidence-based techniques that…


5 Ways Startups Can Increase Their Visibility

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. During the recent pandemic, many startups had to rethink their business models. In some cases, this meant refocusing on their core business and determining how well they served customer needs. In other cases, startups had to change their business models completely to succeed. Now that the world…


11 Tips to Help Entrepreneurs Master the Art of Self-Promotion

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. No beating around the bush here. Entrepreneurship is a cutthroat realm where the bold thrive. You’ll fade into oblivion if you’re not unabashedly showcasing your unique capabilities, hollering about your achievements, and creating your limelight. So, my audacious comrades, it’s time we plunge into the captivating chaos…


How to Successfully Launch a Product in Under 90 Days

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. SaaS continues to expand at record rates, with SaaS growth at 11.7% CAGR and fintech, also mainly cloud-based, growing at a similar velocity at 11%. But most SaaS startups will fail for a variety of reasons, including poor go-to-market (GTM) strategy. I’m on a mission to change…


Stocks in August are DROPPING – Here’s Why

The stock market trends in 2023 have been a rollercoaster for investors. For most of the year, stocks have been on an upward trajectory, seemingly reaching new heights daily. However, a significant shift occurred in August, with the Nasdaq and S&P 500 plummeting by 6% and 5%, respectively. This article delves into the three primary…