5 Questions to Ask a PR Pro Before Hiring Them

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. One of the most popular questions from a company hiring a PR agency is what journalist contacts they have and how deep their relationships are. While it’s understandable to think this is important, it’s not the right question to ask a PR person. Regardless of who they…

Buy, Hold or Sell: Target (TGT) vs. Walmart (WMT)

US retail sales rebounded in April as consumers showed resiliency. The strength in the retail market should bode well for retail giants Target (TGT) and Walmart (WMT). But should one buy, hold, or sell these stocks? Read more to find out. The retail industry has showcased remarkable resilience and stability despite the macroeconomic headwinds. Factors…

How to Make 6 Figures Right Out Of College

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Congratulations! You have graduated from college… Now what? This is a question asked by many new graduates every year, with many struggling to reach that ideal 6 figure pay for years! Don’t get stuck in the system and break out using this method. I will teach you…

7 Ways Data Helps Your Restaurant Succeed

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Data makes the world go around. While not every restaurant takes advantage of the wealth of data, it’s essential in making smarter decisions. Cloud-based POS systems are equipped with numerous restaurant analytics and insights that generate data every time your staff takes an order, processes a credit…

10 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Navigate a Down Economy

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In a down economy, entrepreneurs face significant challenges, including decreased consumer spending, tighter credit markets and increased competition. However, this does not mean that entrepreneurs should give up on their businesses or goals. Rather, they must adapt to the changing market conditions and make the most of…