
Business Scheduling Apps: Great Booking App

Software for scheduling appointments has the advantage of taking care of tedious tasks like client cancellations and rescheduling. Making more appointments gives you and your staff more time to focus on doing more practical work. Of course, you must ensure that your chosen app offers all the required features. Additionally, it works with all apps…


Why Are Investors in a “Sticky Situation”?

The S&P 500 (SPY) seems to be going trading in a fairly tight trading range. Yet there are more facts emerging that would lead one to a bearish conclusion. That includes the discussion of Sticky Inflation. You may not have thought much about that…but let me assure you that is Public Enemy #1 for the…


Are Your Children Your Retirement Plan?

Raising a child, especially in the current US economy is an expensive affair. Thousands go into education, healthcare, and fulfilling basic day-to-day needs. Hence, a lot of times, couples don’t save enough for their retirement and end up depending on their children to finance their retirement plans. But is that really a good idea? Absolutely…