
Recruiting Firm Breaks Silence After Leaked Job Listing Asks for ‘White’ Candidates Only: ‘Legal Action Has Been Initiated’

A Dallas-based recruiting firm that was seeking employees for Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway shuttered its website this week after screenshots of a job posting surfaced on social media that allegedly asked for “white” candidates. The listing first made its rounds on Twitter by a user named Kendall Brown, where its since been viewed over 9.6…


How ChatGPT Will Dramatically Change the Influencer Space

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The influencer space has become one of the fastest-growing industries in recent years, with influencers using their platforms to promote products, services, and ideas to their followers. However, the industry has also faced criticism for issues like fake followers, lack of transparency and influencer burnout. With the…


7 Trade Show Tips for New Businesses

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Trade shows are excellent opportunities for businesses to showcase their products or services, network with potential clients and stay current on industry trends. However, standing out is essential with so many companies competing for attention. Here are seven tips for businesses exhibiting at a trade show to…


Do Interest Rates Go Down in a Recession?

If you’re living in a time of rising inflation, you may hear about the Federal Reserve (or the Fed, for short) increasing interest rates. Inflation is essentially the devaluing of currency over time. If inflation happens too rapidly, people’s purchasing power decreases, and less money circulates into the economy. Key takeaways A recession is when…