
58% of All Americans Are Stuck in a Common Financial Trap, Survey Reveals — Are You One of Them?

Millions of Americans are feeling the pressure of inflation. Today, more than half, or 58%, are living paycheck to paycheck, per the CNBC Your Money Financial Confidence Survey, CNBC reported. Related: Survey: A Majority of Americans Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck Additionally, about 70% of the people surveyed who reported living paycheck-to-paycheck admitted to feeling…


This Mid-Cap Stock Is on Fire, While These 2 Cool Off

Macroeconomic headwinds-induced volatility and the associated recessionary fears are anticipated to linger for a while, even though inflation is cooling down. Given this backdrop, the strong fundamentals of mid-cap stock Jazz Pharmaceuticals (JAZZ) might make it a solid buy. In contrast, fundamentally weak mid-cap stocks Valvoline (VVV) and Axos Financial (AX) could be avoided now.…


¿Qué es Lemon8? La aplicación hermana de TikTok que va en ascenso con 650,000 descargas en menos de dos semanas en Estados Unidos

Lemon8 es una nueva aplicación de fotos y videos propiedad de ByteDance, la empresa matriz de TikTok. Según los datos compartidos con Axios por la firma de análisis Apptopia, la aplicación ha sido descargada 650,000 veces en Estados Unidos en la última semana y media. Actualmente, Lemon8 ocupa el segundo lugar en la categoría de…


5 maneras de comenzar a sanar después de un divorcio

El divorcio puede ser costoso financieramente, pero sin importar cuán exitosa sea una persona, los costos más altos suelen ser emocionales y psicológicos. Es fundamental comenzar el proceso de curación para evitar efectos en cascada sobre la salud física y mental, las decisiones empresariales y la capacidad genuina de presentarse y administrar eficientemente tu vida…


8 Strategies for Developing a Strong Personal Brand

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As an entrepreneur, you can use your personal brand to your advantage in several ways. It’s an expression of your values, personality and unique selling proposition (USP) that can help you stand out from the competition. In the digital age we live in now, it’s important to…


Jeans Made Out of…What? One Company Dared to Go Where None Had Before — and Even Levi’s Is On Board.

“Our core competency is invention,” Stacy Flynn, the 49-year-old CEO and co-founder of textile innovations company Evrnu, says. “A lot of people can produce, but very few people can invent and tune around the existing infrastructure.” Flynn’s company, which she co-founded with president Christopher Stanev 2014, is innovating to an extreme — shattering the notion…