
3 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From The Rise and Fall of History’s Biggest Companies

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Only recently, just before the pandemic, it seemed big companies were on a roll. A few “superstar” companies were dominating software industries and reaching their tentacles into multiple sectors. Market share was concentrated in much of the economy, the performance gap between large and small companies was…


The FTC Is Proposing Banning Non-Compete Agreements

It’s not exactly NDAs they’re after — but non-compete agreements are facing the chopping block. designer491 I Getty Images The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on Thursday outlined its plan to ban agreements between employers and employees that, among other things, prevent employees from working with competitors for certain time periods after leaving a job. The…


‘It Felt Like We Were Being Held Hostage’: 23 Passengers Were Trapped in a Locked Airport Corridor Without Windows

It’s been a rough few weeks for the aviation industry stateside as winter storms and technical difficulties have caused mass delays and cancelations. Getty Images And it looks like international airports haven’t been spared, either, after 23 Ryanair passengers were accidentally trapped in a locked corridor, causing sheer panic and a missed flight. The horror…