4 Ideas for Starting a Blockchain Business

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Cryptocurrencies continue to gain traction and a wider acceptance across all demographics. Most importantly, Wall Street is constantly trying to expand its business into the realm of digital currencies and blockchain. Goldman Sachs has announced it will offer Bitcoin-backed loans, while Fidelity launched a physical Bitcoin ETF…

Ready for the Next Step? Here’s How to Identify Opportunities to Grow Your Business for the Long Term

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Almost every entrepreneur is seeking ways to grow their business. Successfully scaling a business requires attention to fundamentals, patience and stamina to stick with it. Growth can come through several approaches; an excellent place to start is to determine the best strategy for your business. Here are…

Video Ad Tech You Can’t Ignore

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. While many analysts are primarily evaluating the creative side of digital video ads and analyzing the impact of advertising campaigns — especially those run during the holiday seasons — the truth is, the technology aspect is just as vital. emojoez | Shutterstock And no, I’m not speaking…

Fiber: The Next Food Industry Macrotrend

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Remember the rise of oat bran, and how everyone was really into antioxidants a few years ago? Ever wonder why so many foods seem to be yuzu-flavored right now? What about how every food product now wants to point out how much protein is inside it? You’re…

Why Experience-First Entrepreneurs Win Consumers

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. No matter what business you are in, I guarantee that your customers are judging your business every single day on the experience that you provide. Much has been written on this topic, but we still see the majority of businesses big and small, in every segment, fail…

Metaverse: Erasing Barriers of Age and Ability

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Retirement is a destination many perceive as a luxurious payoff after a lifetime of hard work and dedication, while others experience it as a loss of purpose and competency. Whether you hustled to arrive by choice, or it’s a crushing reality delivered by old age or critical…