For First-Time Franchisees: Think Like a Multi-Unit Franchisee From the Start

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Many first-time franchisees start to investigate the franchise business model by looking at concepts they can run themselves. In other words, they initially investigate single-unit, owner-operator franchise models. But a “one-unit mindset” can be both self-limiting and can actually create blind spots when it comes to evaluating…

Want Success? Define Your Company Values

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Values and culture are the foundation upon which your entire business is built. Your company values will directly influence your company culture, impacting every decision you make as a business. Defining clear and cohesive values will help align your entire organization — from entry-level to senior management…

This Is the Framework to Make Your Product a Smash Success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Developing new products is tough. It’s tough not only for startup teams but also for well-established businesses. To address a high rate of failure, founders started adapting frameworks that could increase their chances to build products people need. One of such frameworks is hypothesis-driven development. It’s a…

20 Secrets to Living a Happier Life

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. There’s an unfortunate reason why happiness is often elusive — our brains simply aren’t wired that way. Instead, our brains have evolved to survive, to protect ourselves, to keep us safe. Sure, we have moments of elation and periods of contentment and bliss. But many of us…

Key Ways to Repair Your Reputation Online

Online and offline, first impressions matter a lot. However, due to how much power customers now have, online reputation is more critical than ever. What’s more, in an era where online reviews are ubiquitous, and anyone can Google your or your business in seconds, it might seem impossible to manage your reputation. Calendar – Calendar…

5 Ways to Control Your Online Reviews

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Does it sometimes seem like online review sites have your brand in a vise? With the ongoing popularity of consumer review platforms, not to mention their favored status in local search results, online reviews on Yelp, TripAdvisor, Trustpilot and other review sites can pose a genuine and…