The Key Elements All Online Communities Should Have

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Online communities are the bread and butter of consumer engagement today. Communities allow like-minded people to engage on topics that they both relate to. But most importantly, an online community brings life and authenticity to the conversation. It doesn’t feel forced and has no pretense — communities…

You Have to Read If You Want to Succeed

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In all my studies on what makes people successful, I’ve noticed one thing that makes highly successful people stand out from the pack: They are committed to life-long learning, growing, and expanding. And one of the main ways they do it is by reading a lot. As…

Payments Without Borders: Why Your Company Needs a Multi-Currency Account When Doing Business Overseas

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Increasingly, businesses operate across borders and need business account solutions that let them send and receive money wherever their clients and business partners are based. Traditional single currency bank accounts mean paying currency conversion fees on every transaction. But with the rise of multi-currency accounts, this is…

Digital Twins Are the Future, Here Are 5 Ways to Keep Them Secure While Manufacturing Innovation

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As technology continues to revamp existing business models, novel methods of manufacturing and projection are increasingly being used. Digital twins are perhaps the best example of how companies marry technology with the natural world to create innovative solutions. A digital twin is an electronic version of a…

The 9 Best Businesses to Start Over 60

For those with the itch, starting a business over the age of 60 is entirely doable. Age can give many advantages, including experience and wisdom. Due – Due Here are 9 retirement business ideas to put that experience to good use. 1. Consulting Consulting is a favorite business activity among retired seniors. For starters, consulting…