Franchise Brokers, Referral Consultants and Career Coaches Can Help You Find the Right Business Opportunity

With thousands of franchise concepts to choose from, getting started can seem overwhelming. Entrepreneurship is about finding the right opportunity — a business model that aligns with your comprehensive goals, both personally and professionally. Ideally, there should be a progression of discovery that, through the process of elimination, leads you to the franchise you were…

4 Neuromarketing Hacks to Reach More People and Maximize Results

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. All marketing elicits emotion either consciously or unconsciously. Neuromarketing is the science of leveraging those emotions to achieve the maximum possible results in marketing campaigns. Let’s take Frito-Lay, for example. In 2009, they used neuromarketing to discover women’s feelings about snacking and guilt, and launched an entirely…