5 Tips for Waking Up Earlier

Not everyone is a natural morning person. Some like to sleep in and get a few extra Z’s. Ever heard of ‘beauty sleep?’ Getting some extra rest is definitely okay unless your schedule no longer allows for it. Calendar – Calendar Maybe it’s a new job, or you’re returning to school after the summer break.…

10 Traits You Need to Make It as a Startup Employee

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. You know before you accept a startup job, it’s going to take grit. High-growth, fast-paced startups are dynamic and challenging in nature. In other words, someone who crushed it at their 50,000-employee, publicly traded organization might feel underwater at a Series B company (and vice versa). So,…

4 Easy Ways to Make More Money By Training Your Brain

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Can you train your brain to make more money? Mental rehearsal is a powerful psychological technique that’s used by athletes, billionaires, and entrepreneurs to achieve their goals. Imagine you have a goal to make $1 million. Rehearsing each step in advance will allow you to prepare for…

Every Entrepreneur Will Encounter This Question from Investors When Fundraising. Here’s the Right Way to Answer It.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Why are you fundraising? If you’re a startup, the answer seems obvious — you need money. Putting aside the flippant response, you need to retain your rockstar employees, acquire customers, pay for services/cloud hosting/whatever — oh, and also pay your founders so you can all live and…

4 Content Marketing Strategies You Should Use in 2023

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Online content is now a critical connection point between brands and consumers. It’s not only where many consumers first engage with your brand but where your appeal, value and industry authority are first established and reinforced. Without an effective content marketing strategy driving your outreach, you’re missing…