So What If Hans Niemann Was Cheating? Cheaters Are Everywhere in Business. To Survive, You Must Stay One Step Ahead.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Good gracious, die chess savant Hans Niemann (allegedly) cheat in more than 100 matches? That seems to be what the chess community and reigning chess champ Magnus Carlsen are insinuating. Apparently, it’s not just the chess world that’s fallen victim to a cheating scandal. The fishing community…

Your Behavior (Not Your Logo) Is Your Brand. Here’s How to Promote Employee Behaviors That Drive Results.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Among the brands you admire most, there are probably some kick-ass logos and color palettes. Visual identity is important — but visual identity isn’t what turns would-be customers into raving fans. The secret to building loyal brand advocates is employee behavior. Many people think that a brand…