Hackers Aren’t The Only Unseen Enemy Behind Cyber Attacks — Your Board’s Ignorance Could Be To Blame, Too. Here’s What You Can Do About It.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The booming numbers of cybersecurity threats have compelled every C-suite executive and board members to pay closer attention to their cybersecurity hygiene. However, they don’t share the same lens while watching their information security posture. And here’s where a disconnect arises. A recent global survey of C-suite…

Sonic the Hedgehog Creator Is Arrested in Japan

The co-creator of the iconic video game Sonic the Hedgehog was arrested today by the Special Investigation Department of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office for alleged insider trading, according to a report in Variety. Naka Yuji, along with two other former employees of game developer Square Enix, was taken into custody on charges of…

Should We Start Treating Robots Like People?

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Robots are about to become a lot more meaningful in our daily lives. In the next decade, robots will take over many aspects of our human jobs. They’ll do everything from cleaning our homes to serving us food and assisting lab researchers. But what does this mean…