How Long Will This SUCKERS Rally Last?

As quickly as the S&P 500 (SPY) fell in September it has bounced as quickly to start October. Yet with inflation still raging, and the Fed likely to keep raising rates that also harms the economy…it becomes hard to get long term bullish at this time. So let’s discuss what this all means for the…

Don’t Give Up on These Q3 Losers

The major U.S. stock indices got clobbered on September 30, closing out one of the worst months and quarters in recent history. – MarketBeat Much of the finger-pointing has been directed toward the Fed. In an effort to cool stubbornly high inflation, Chairman Powell’s aggressive rate hikes appear to be cooling the economy as…

What Scares You? 101 Quotes to Overcome It

There is no doubt that fear is one of the most powerful emotions our minds can conjure up. As a result, you may have difficulty thinking, or your voice may quiver while speaking. In addition, when its grip is tight enough, it may even make you feel immobile. Calendar – Calendar In its simplest form,…