The Key Benefits of Using Shopify for Your Business

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Shopify has been changing the game of ecommerce for more than 15 years, and its benefits and ease of integration make it an easy, common-sense solution for many businesses. A global phenomenon, Shopify is now used in almost 200 different countries by close to two million different…

4 Ways Small Companies Can Contribute to Global Change

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Small businesses can play an important role in addressing global challenges using their unique perspectives and resources. This is because they can generate new ideas, solve problems and create new products. They can also help to bring down global greenhouse gas emissions. By doing so, they can…

Thinking of Selling Your Franchise to a Private Equity Firm? Here Are 9 Ways to Build a Valuable Reputation

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Private equity (PE) firms are watching your franchise business right now — and so are a few potential strategic acquirers. Many franchise founders, especially within emerging brands, carry common misconceptions about how they get on private equity’s radar in the first place. You’re not an unknown starlet…