4 Go-To Moves to Help Start Your Exit Strategy Now

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Scrambling belongs in egg-making. It produces far less appealing results when it comes to selling a business. Sadly, far too many founders find themselves in scramble mode when offloading their business. The reason is simple: They didn’t set up an exit strategy early enough. The lack of…

5 Reasons Why You Should Date an Entrepreneur

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. There are a lot of mixed messages when it comes to dating as an entrepreneur or business owner. Like the quote “lonely at the top” implies, many believe an entrepreneur’s path should be done solo. On the contrary, Napoleon Hill thought having a partner was essential to…

3 Elements at the Forefront of Global Team Success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When I started out in cybersecurity in the ’90s, the process of making partnerships with companies in other parts of the world, while maintaining current working relationships, required big changes at both business and personal levels. Geographical distance was a much bigger obstacle — so much so…