Why Video Ads Need to Be in Your Franchise Local Media Mix

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As more and more ad spend dollars increasingly shift to digital channels, franchisors and franchisees are looking for new avenues to effectively reach their target audiences online. Running campaigns on channels like paid search and paid social are table stakes for any franchise today. But where should…

Do Nootropics Make You Smarter? Science Says Yes.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Do you need help meeting your deadlines, but lack the focus, energy and mental alertness needed to get the job done? If so, watch closely because I’ll break down how nootropics and smart drugs are the high-performance brain fuel you need to become unstoppable in business and…

6 Ways to Lead on Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. I am learning how to build a company that welcomes employees with varying cognitive abilities. I am no expert in this, even though our company focuses on developing inclusive leaders. During the pandemic, the challenges around mental health in the workplace have come to the fore, so…