5 Reasons to Start a Children’s Creativity-Focused Business

Helming a kid-centered company can help the next generation, (and your bottom line) thrive.

4 min read

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Many businesses centered around fostering creativity in children are run by entrepreneurs that have a heady history of their own.

Little You founder and entrepreneur, Christina Guo, says of studying at the Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD) University: “[I learned that] children at age 5 have the greatest capability for creation. Their creativity scores are at 98% and, as they grow up, that score drops to 2% by adulthood.” 

Child-focused enterprises, like Guo’s, are embracing trends emerging in the business world today. Not only can these ventures be profitable, but they also offer benefits for kids that parents will love.

Related: How to Start a Kid-Focused Business

1. Creativity leads to well-being

In a 2015 study, the research found that children participating in creatively focused activities were happier than children that did not participate. Activities that involved painting or drawing influenced lowering stress levels and engagement in musical activities had calming effects on children. Parents will love your business and keep coming back for more if they know that their child will benefit mentally and emotionally from the use of your product or service.

2. Children make up a never-ending market

A business that has a never-ending supply of customers is bound to be successful with the right business marketing plans. Globally, the size of the children’s toys and games market is over $100 billion (USD).

Parents are always looking for new ways to keep their kids entertained while, ideally, learning something along the way. According to a new study via MindWare, 63 percent of the families polled struggle to find mentally stimulating at-home activities for their children while the 45 percent that issue screen time limits also want their kids to spend more time using their imagination

Your target age group will never grow stale because as one generation grows out of your target group, another is born to fill the void. As more people are working from home in the wake of the global health crisis, they will be looking for new and exciting ways to keep their little ones occupied. Admittedly, it is a very competitive space to found a business, but finding huge success within this giant market is very possible with the right niche and business plan.

Related: 3 Fundamentals of Ethically Marketing to Kids

3. Art contributes to kid’s education fundamentals

In today’s employment pool, degree inflation has had a massive impact on what credentials are required to join the workforce. Providing a product or service that can promise parents the advantage of the early development of certain fundamentals through a creative avenue will be to your advantage as an entrepreneur.

Participating in art-centered activities will provide kids with space to develop the thought-processes, self-confidence and problem-solving skills that they will use throughout their journey to adulthood. A thoughtful, confident, smart kid is going to have a lead. Even at a young age, encouraging art helps growth. For example, scribbles in crayon teach fine motor skills and eventually turn into good penmanship skills.

4. Imaginative play encourages teamwork

When given the opportunity to play games with others, the adventures their imaginations take them on can help them learn important skills for the future like teamwork.

Children who play make-believe gain valuable social skills that they will need in their adult lives. They learn to agree with peers on what their imagined world they are playing in looks like and what the rules and boundaries of that world are. Learning to play nice with others is something that will benefit kids as they develop. 

5. Art is fun

Those who are looking to start a creativity-focused business are drawn to it because they know that creativity, simply put, is fun.

Enjoying our jobs has become something very important for mental wellness and engagement in the workplace. Not only will your clients have a good time purchasing your product, but you will have a blast providing said services. It’s a feeling that will bring you and your team a fantastic sense of fulfillment at the end of the workday.

What are you waiting for?

Allowing kids to develop creatively through your business plan will not only benefit the adults of tomorrow but will also leave you with a sense of accomplishment and a strong avenue for increased profits. Explore the industry and start your business focused on fostering creativity in children today.

Related: 10 of Today’s Top Side Hustles for Creatives that Pay up to $150 Per Hour



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